CCC is excited to announce the highly anticipated and awaited arrival of our latest publication, a collection of “My Story” Testimonials entitled, Her Story. This volume, a special 100th Anniversary Edition (1920-2020) commemorates the women of the CWL London Diocese. This collection is a brilliant summary of the stories, lives, and memories of women who make up the largest Catholic Women’s League in Ontario and Canada. All are courageous, kind, and grace-filled accounts of women who have a desire to serve and leave something to be remembered by.
Over 50 women submitted their personal stories: intricacies of their lives, wisdom, jokes, and wonderful memories as members of CWL and as individuals. In honour, of the CWL’s 100th Anniversary, this special edition was gathered and printed the thank the women for their dedication and service to, and support of, both Compassionate Community Care (CCC) and the greater London Diocese community.
The printed book and Her Story Collection was launched at the CWL London convention in April and copies given to each participating woman/their families. Since its publication, some of the women featured have passed away and their families will receive their copy as a beautiful legacy piece and testament to their servitude and generosity. Thank you, CWL of London, for your time, love, and care.
This volume is a perfect opportunity and example of what any council, group, community, organization, and even family can do to create living and lasting legacies for their individuals, members, groups, and friends.
“Early in 2020, the CWL London diocese began working with Compassionate Community Care stressing the importance of keeping in touch with their members in their homes, and retirement or extended care homes. One of the biggest issues facing some of our most vulnerable today is isolation, loneliness and depression. Collecting our seniors’ stories gives them the opportunity to share their experiences and memories with us. It can be their legacy for our councils’ history and for their families.”
-Mary Ann Horne-White, Speech 2022
These stories are heartwarming and inspiring.
“Having the opportunity to interview two members of my CWL council was an absolute privilege for me. It was so heartwarming to hear their stories. It was such an honour to be invited into their homes, especially as we were still dealing with COVID restrictions. I consider myself to be truly blessed to have had this experience.”
-Nelly Kelders, St Michael's CWL, Bright's Grove
CCC plans on growing the My Story Program and collection of stories with other councils and groups. If you would like to begin a visiting program with your community please contact us today! If you would like to order your own copy of Her Story, please contact us at 519-439-6445 or email us at: